The Creation Gospel is a foundational teaching study that unveils the work of the Holy Spirit from Genesis to Revelation through the light of the menorah.
Dr. Hollisa Alewine began her career teaching high school students for seven years before becoming a federal law enforcement officer. She earned her Bachelor of Science and first master’s degree in Secondary Education from Texas A&M-Texarkana. While she continued her career with the Bureau of Prisons, she completed a second master’s degree in Religious Education and another in Theology in Rabbinic Studies, as well as a doctorate from Oxford Graduate School.
She is a television programmer at Hebraic Roots Network and she also travels to teach at conferences and other venues. She is the author of Standing with Israel and Her Creation Gospel workbook series is an ongoing project. In addition, she has recently started a new book imprint called BEKY Books, (Books Encouraging the Kingdom of Yeshua).
She is a student and teacher of the Word of God.
THE CREATION is described in the oldest and most reliably copied text of the ages, the Scriptures; starting with the Torah (the Five Books of Moses), it is also referenced in the Prophets, the Psalms, the Writings, and in the Renewed Covenant (New Testament). In Genesis (Bereshit), which means “in the beginning,” the text first describes the Creation within 7 one-day segments. It is that precise recording of each day’s creation that is the focus of The Creation Gospel. The spirit God, who is first recorded by the name Elohim in Genesis, directed His Spirit in a plan calculated to bring the physical vessels of creation into unity with His Holy Spirit. The 7 spirits of God that were prophesied to rest upon the Shoot of Jesse in Isaiah 11 are the same spirits of the Creation, yet they are one creative and Holy Spirit.
The 7 spirits upon the Messiah are placed within a specific day of creation. Once activated within that boundary, that spirit will continue to work, not in isolation from, but in unity with the other spirits. From this unity, Israel derives the statement of faith and greatest commandment, “Hear O Israel, the Lord your God, the Lord is One.”
The second commandment is like unto it, which is to love one’s neighbor as himself. As the 7 spirits of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) work together in the life of the believer, not losing a specific identity as the Spirit of Wisdom or the Spirit of Power, yet finding greater effectiveness and peace in unity, so we do not lose our identity as individuals in the Body of Messiah, yet we find greater creativity, effectiveness, and peace in unity.
The Israelites received feast days (moedim) and a holy Sabbath when they received the everlasting covenant of the Torah. The Creation, however, transmitted the knowledge of the feast days and holy days that preceded the making of the covenant with Israel. Even Cain and Abel knew the festival seasons, days, and Sabbaths of Elohim because they were established from Creation. It is evident that the creative spirit of Elohim is still renewing the earth through these moedim. Satan’s sin, as described by the Prophet Isaiah, was to exalt himself above these times and seasons, a trait that identifies the Spirit of Antichrist. Since Yeshua is the Word of Creation made flesh, the festival times and seasons are His Spirit working in physical vessels to effect individual, family, congregational, and planetary growth in the Word and gospel.
The Creation Foundation
The Wicked Lamp
Seven Spirits of Adonai
The Scarlet Harlot
The 5 Torah Portions
Hebrew Prayer & Worship Traditions
Books Encouraging the Kingdom of Yeshua.
What is the Torah?
Messianic Shabbat Service
Pharisee: Friend or Foe?
Truth, Tradition, or Tare
The Seven Shepherds
50,000 Degrees and Cloudy
Esther’s Mysteries
144,000 Harps
Standing With Israel explains the events of Acts 10 in the context of the Amidah, the Standing Prayer prayed three times daily by observant Jews. An in-depth study of the prophetic nature of the prayer demonstrates how the Judges of Israel and the infirm woman Yeshua healed explain the resurrection of Messianic Judaism, growing Christian interest in their Hebraic roots, as well as the “spirit-filled” movements of the last century. Jewish and non-Jewish believers alike are urged to take hold of the unifying prayer to build a house of prayer for all nations.
Now available on DVD.
The Creation Gospel
Spirit-Filled Family
The Scarlet Harlot
Esther’s Mysteries